Hello All, sorry you haven’t heard from me for a while. I do find it challenging being in a full time job and blog and write my next novel, but I do love it all.

Have you read the story of Sarah and John yet? If you have, I would love to hear from you to find out what you liked about the story. So if you get a chance please write a review.

I am writing my second novel at the moment and this story is also set in New York and this time we find ourselves in the 1970’s. New York again you might ask yourselves as I, the writer am Norwegian (half Swedish) and live in London?
Well, that is an easy question to answer; John’s character fitted perfectly in to the scene of New York 1930’s and so did Sarah. And my second novel that I am currently writing, fits in with the diversity of New York in the 1970’s and the two characters I wanted to write about this time.
As I have already told you, my first novel “Opposites”, pretty much wrote itself. When I first started writing I didn’t know where the journey would take me.
My next novel which hasn’t got a title yet, I have pretty much decided the outline of the whole story and writing it. is putting meat on the bones and as before new ideas pop into my head as I am writing and new twists and turns are added along the way.
It is so much fun creating a story from nothing and see where it takes me and I find that I am constantly developing as a writer.

Until next time, stay well and have fun.


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