For years I wanted to write, but two things stopped me.
One: I didn’t know what to write about and Two: What if it was grammatically
incorrect or it would involve a lot of research that would slow me down? What
eventually got me started was that I told myself that I could just start
writing the story any story and it could be corrected later by me or someone
else. And for this my first novel all I had in my head was the idea of the two
characters Sarah and John and how different their lived were, and then
something magical happened: the story pretty much wrote itself. I can’t explain
it, the ideas came fast and furious and I could barely keep up the writing with
the ideas that was showing up in my head. I love creating stories and
I would have written this story whether it had ever got published or not.
I love the story and I just for a moment picked up a copy and started
reading it again and every time I do I can’t wait to see what happens next and
I really hope that will be the same for you when you read it!
And if you are someone who wants to write, just write! Whether it is one line,
one page, just get started. And in the meantime enjoy the story of
Sarah and John in my book: Opposites.
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